Stop Trying to Buy The “Perfect Home”

Get the inside scoop on Atlanta’s hottest real estate trends and investment strategies.

Does the perfect home really exist? The fact is that no home is going to satisfy every person. Because we are all different, even a married couple is almost certainly going to disagree about what they want in a home.

During the current market shortage, where homes are scarce, trying to find the “perfect home” has become even more impossible. By trying to find a house that checks off every single item on your must-have list, you are severely limiting your chances of finding any home at all, much less the “perfect” home.

Here’s how you can solve the problem:

  1. Reevaluate your must-have list.
    Do you really need to have a three-car garage or a finished basement? Some items are rare or hard to find. Go through your list again and consider removing some of those constraints. If your real estate agent has been searching only for, as an example, homes with a bonus room, how many more possible homes could you find if you eliminated this narrow limitation?
  2. Consider a custom home.
    If it’s in your budget, having a custom home built for you will give you a chance to put everything you want into it from the beginning. Just understand that building a custom home can take anywhere from 8 to 24 months, depending on the size of the home, location, land availability, builder availability and much more. A custom home will likely be more expensive than a cookie-cutter home in a neighborhood, but then that’s the point. You don’t want the same cookies everyone else is buying.
  3. Fix it after you move in.
    This may be your best choice if you want to move quickly. Let’s say you want a house with a closed-in porch, but nothing you are finding available has that feature. What if you could find a house with a nice deck that could, at a later date, be converted to a closed-in porch? If you start to evaluate properties based on their potential, you can probably find a house much more quickly. You can turn a house into a dream home with some of your own elbow grease and/or some remodeling dollars in the future.

While none of these solutions are “perfect,” they all provide an alternative to not finding a house at all.

If you are trying to buy a house in Atlanta and are not having much success, reach out to Kurzner Group and let’s see if we are a good fit to help you on your home search.

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