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Many people are sitting on the fence trying to decide if now’s the time to buy a home. Some are renters who have a strong

So far this year, mortgage rates continue to hover around 3%, encouraging many hopeful homebuyers to enter the housing market. However, there’s a good chance

Today’s real estate market is so crazy, some houses are receiving literally dozens of offers, many thousands of dollars above asking price. Four quick steps

The housing market keeps sailing along. The only headwind that could take it off course is the lack of inventory for sale. The National Association

Homeownership is a foundational part of the American Dream. As we look back on more than a year of sheltering in our homes, having a

Some Highlights If you’re thinking that waiting a year or two to purchase a home might mean you’ll save some money, think again. Mortgage interest

At the beginning of the year, industry forecasts called for home price appreciation to slow to about half of the double-digit increase we saw last

The question many homebuyers are facing this year is, “Why is it so hard to find a house?” We’re in the ultimate sellers’ market, which

Last week’s Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows sales have dropped by 3.7% compared to the month before. This