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Are you clamoring for extra rooms or a more functional floorplan in your house? Maybe it’s time to make a move. If you’ll be able

Right now is a great time to liquidate a second home or rental properties that you may have been thinking of selling. Market conditions have

This year, Americans are moving for a variety of reasons. The health crisis has truly reshaped our lifestyles and our needs. Spending so much more

Our homes are so much more than the houses we live in. For many, they’ve also become our workplaces, schools for our children, and safe

We remember and honor those who gave all.

Some Highlights In today’s whirlwind real estate market, houses are selling at astonishing speed – from sea to shining sea. Four years ago, the average

There’s a lot of discussion about affordability as home prices continue to appreciate rapidly. Even though the most recent index on affordability from the National

The last year has put emphasis on the importance of one’s home. As a result, some renters are making the jump into homeownership while some

As we enter the middle of 2021, many are wondering if we’ll see big changes in the housing market during the second half of this