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Home prices have increased significantly over the last year, which in turn has grown the net worth of homeowners. Appreciation and home equity are directly

If you’re thinking of buying a home, there really is no time like the present. With today’s low mortgage rates, you have a great opportunity

Wishing you a happy and safe Independence Day! As we pause to celebrate the independence of the United States of America, we find ourselves grateful

You can simply update your home or you can “upgrade” your home. This kind of upgrade is the kind where you move into your next

The question of whether the real estate market is a bubble ready to pop seems to be dominating a lot of conversations – and everyone

As we move into the latter half of the year, questions about what’s to come are top of mind for buyers and sellers. Near record-low

In today’s real estate market, low inventory and high demand are driving up home prices. As many as 54% of homes are getting offers over

Selling a house is a time-consuming process – especially if you decide to do it on your own, known as a For Sale By Owner

Some Highlights Today’s sellers’ market provides unique challenges—and benefits—for buyers. Current low interest rates won’t last forever, and home prices are forecast to rise. If